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We invite you to contribute an original architectural drawing on the conference theme to be exhibited in conjunction with selected drawings by Marco Frascari.


Please submit creative work for blind peer review no later than September 2nd, 2022 by emailing your drawing to: Submissions should consist of not more than 532 words and three images in a .docx format (15MB max.). Specify in the email heading Abstract-Drawing and the current to which it is being submitted (Surfaces, Projects, or Times). 


In the body of the email, please include your name(s), institutional affiliation(s), drawing title, four descriptive keywords, and a brief (100 word) bio of each author. However, do not include your name(s) or other statements identifying yourself and/ or your affiliations in abstract itself. In the case of multiple author submissions, only the submitting author will receive direct correspondence from the organizers.


Drawing abstracts should identify media (including electronic), size (in inches), 2-D or 3-D, and any special installation and exhibition instructions. While we will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate special installation instructions, unusual sizes or other complex requirements, we cannot guarantee they will be possible.


Authors and artists will be notified of their acceptance by December 2nd, 2022.

Organized by


Washington Alexandria Architecture Center

Virginia Tech

Further Questions:

1001 Prince Street

Alexandria, VA 22314


Tel: 703–706–3020

Fax: 703–549–0532




Thanks for submitting!

© 2022 WAAC (Washington Alexandria Architecture Center/Virginia Tech)

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The Women & Minority Artist and Scholars Lecture Series fund is a co-sponsor of Billie Tsien’s presence and talk at the Symposium. The WMAS lecture series is provided by the Office of the Provost to encourage and increase the number and diversity of scholarly voices and artistic expressions at Virginia Tech from groups traditionally underrepresented at Virginia Tech. Billie Tsien is sponsored by The Women & Minority Artist and Scholars Lecture Series Fund at Virginia Tech.

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