Tom Shiner, FAIA
The current production sample of the M&LF® FEDERAL CITY CHAIR represents a re-working and update of a design begun in architect Tom Shiner’s DC architecture studio nearly 40 years ago. A “pull-up”, “side”, or dining chair, the FEDERAL CITY is intended to provide comfortable seating in executive office settings, cultural spaces, restaurant and other hospitality environments, and residences.
Imbued by the formal, even ceremonial, atmosphere of Washington, DC, where statecraft is the main industry, the FEDERAL CITY CHAIR stands apart from many chairs currently available. With a foundation in Classicism, it speaks a language of dignity and taste appropriate to the capital city. The chair is conscious. It is aware of its time and setting. The FEDERAL CITY CHAIR will take its place in the tradition of fine architect-designed furniture that announces its purpose and its era.
The design challenge: Manufacture a lightweight, wood armchair for dignified settings that best exhibits the aesthetic potential of CNC-shaped and sustainably finished American hardwood while providing comfort and allure. Spotlight a fresh and contemporary interpretation of Classicism with careful attention to the seated human form. Issue an invitation to experience comfort, quality, and elegance.
The designer’s response: Combine a robust frame of select maple with contoured and padded upholstery elements to create a rational, delicately understated composition. Rely on the elegant proportions of Classicism. Apply restraint. Avoid assertive, loudly expressive, or otherwise attention-grabbing styling and finishes. Develop a concealed proprietary stainless steel structural system to reinforce precisely CNC-machined wood joinery.
The product: The chair is a marriage of skilled handwork and the latest manufacturing technologies. Its wood finish is a clear matte protective coating. All materials incorporated are selected for renewable, recyclable, or otherwise sustainable and non-toxic qualities.
W 23½”
H 32”
SH 18”
D 22”
M&LF® 2023. All rights reserved.
Tom Shiner. When he was a freshman studying architecture at Virginia Tech, AUTHOR won a national, professional competition for furniture design sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. His winning chair entry was exhibited at the Smithsonian Institution. Since, Tom has relentlessly pursued a career as furniture designer. After graduate studies in Copenhagen, Tom returned to Washington, DC, his home base where he continues to maintain his studio and architecture practice. Tom is presently working on assignment as an instructor at Montana State University in Bozeman.